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Dear SITS Girls,
I just wanted to thank you again for choosing me to be a featured blogger last Wednesday. I had so much fun making new friends. I’m still reading all the comment love and visiting all my visitors blogs. This is so much fun!

Dear HD,
I’m so excited you are coming for a visit in a few weeks, and I’ve already been planning {only in my head} all the fun things we’re gonna do. Austin is gonna look good on you!

Dear Alamo Draft House,
Please being back that ‘don’t talk during the movie’ featuring that crazy girl who left a voice message because she thought using your phone as a flashlight was not really using her phone and then got kicked out and called from the parking leave you a really mad message. That one, or the one with the old lady who is swearing up a storm. Thanks.

Dear HEB,
That whole ‘Here Everything’s Better’ logo thing you’re doing right now is pretty darn cute.

Linking up with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds.
